Get the best CDR/EDR Training

We are strongly commited to BOSCH CDR and our academy proudly provides training for BOSCH CDR in Europe.

Through our academy awg we offer a very wide selection of CDR/EDR courses, ranging from basic introduction to in-depth 5 day courses that also include practical application of EDR data for accident reconstruction. The training we provide comes from experts in the fields of accident reconstruction and automotive electronics and software.

Some of our trainings are offered together with our partners from Crash Data Specialists who have vast experience in the application of BOSCH CDR and are well respected EDR experts worldwide.

We have proven record of many successful EDR/CDR and Automotive Electronics / Diagnostics related trainings for Accident Reconstructionists, Insurance, OE Staff and Law Enforcement. Trainings can take place in our academy, on-site, or on-line. You can find more information about this on our training website.